And its Importance.


What is Phishing?

How your information can be in danger.

The basic phishing email is sent by criminals who are impersonating legitimate companies, often banks or credit card providers. These emails are designed to trick you into providing log-in information or financial information, such as credit card numbers or Social Security numbers.


Once the user visits the fake site, they may be asked overtly to enter account information such as usernames, passwords, credit card details, social security or bank account numbers. The victim may also be exposed to malware by the fake site. Taking advantage of a variety of vulnerabilities in the browser, the attacker may be able to install a Trojan Horse on the user’s computer. If done correctly, the attack can capture sensitive information without the victim even knowing that they have been compromised.


Sometimes phishers go after the biggest of targets, the whales. Whaling attacks target chief executive officers, chief operating officers, or other high-ranking executives in a company. The goal is to trick these powerful people into giving up the most sensitive of corporate data.


How to stop Spyware

Protect your identity online.

Spyware describes software with malicious behavior that aims to gather information about a person or organization and send such information to another entity in a way that harms the user; for example by violating their privacy or endangering their device's security.


Use Spybot's immunize feature to stop spyware from being compatible with your PC. Get a good antivirus AND antispyware. McAfee, Avast!, AdwarePro, and many others, are good software that can fight of spyware and viruses. If you are extremely paranoid, try learning to use a non-Windows OS.

You can also use spyware removal apps to remove spy software from your device. Malwarebytes, Anti Spy Mobile, iAmNotified – Anti Spy System, Certo and Norton AntiVirus programs are just a few examples to help you rid off the spy app. Advanced spyware disguises their identity and misleads users.